Eco friendly yarns and how to care for them

Eco friendly yarns are not only kinder to the planet but also to your no needles knitting projects. Whether you’re using organic cotton, bamboo, hemp, or recycled fibres, proper care is essential to ensure your eco-conscious creations stay beautiful and durable for years to come.

In this guide, we’ll explore sustainable tips for washing and caring for eco friendly yarns, and as a result helping you maintain the integrity of your knits while minimising environmental impact.

My eco friendly yarns

I use and recommend eco friendly yarns, for example T shirt yarn, organic cotton, and recycled fibres as they all planet friendly.

They all need a different way of washing and looking after to ensure their longevity and their sustainability.

Here are the steps to follow when caring and maintaining them. As a result of following these steps, the projects will look great for much longer.

Before any washing takes place

Before diving into washing, always check the label on your eco friendly yarn for specific care instructions. Some yarns may require gentle hand washing, while others are safe for machine washing on a delicate cycle. Pay attention to recommended water temperature, detergent recommendations, and any other special care considerations.

First things first

Allow to air out after each use because this allows the piece to breathe before its next use.

Spot clean if needed.

If a more thorough wash is needed, follow these instructions to properly clean your wool accessories.

For most eco friendly yarns, hand washing is the gentlest and safest method for cleaning.

Step 1 – Prepare a washing solution

Fill a basin or sink with lukewarm water. Avoid using hot water as it can cause fibres to shrink. Add a small amount of mild wool detergent specifically formulated for delicate fabrics/eco friendly fibres. Mix the detergent in the water until it is well-dissolved.

eco friendly yarns

Step 2 – Clean the accessory

Gently submerge your knitted item in the water and agitate it lightly to loosen any dirt or debris. Avoid wringing or twisting the item, as this can stretch or damage the fibres.

eco friendly yarns

Step 3 – Rinse carefully

After washing, rinse your knitted item thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. Like before, avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as this can cause stretching or distortion.

eco friendly yarns

Step 4 – Remove excess water

To remove excess water from the accessory, avoid wringing or twisting. Gently press the water out of the fabric by squeezing it between your hands or rolling it in a clean, dry towel to squeeze out the water. Do not pull or stretch the wet item.

eco friendly yarns

Step 5 – Reshape and dry

To preserve the shape of your knitted item, it’s best to air dry it flat on a clean, dry surface. Avoid hanging wet knitwear, as this can cause stretching or distortion and make the piece out of shape.

Instead, lay the item out on a towel or drying rack, shaping it gently into its original dimensions. Then, allow it to air dry completely before storing or wearing.

eco friendly yarns

Step 6 – Store your eco friendly yarns creations properly

When your knitted item is clean and dry, store it properly to prevent damage and maintain its shape. This is important because it will keep the pieces in great condition.

  • Fold sweaters and other garments neatly and place them in a breathable storage bag or drawer.
  • For smaller items like hats or scarves, consider hanging them on a sturdy hanger or storing them in a fabric pouch. This will protect them from dust and moths.
eco friendly yarns

Mend & repair eco friendly yarns makes

To prolong the life of your eco friendly makes, be proactive about mending and repairing any damage that occurs over time.

Keep a supply of matching yarn on hand for making small repairs, such as fixing snags or reinforcing seams. Regularly inspect your makes for signs of wear and tear, and address any issues promptly to prevent further damage.

Pass these instructions on

If you make items to sell or gift, it could be a good idea to make a little instruction guide to give to the recipient. In fact, they may appreciate it as they may not have bought eco friendly items before, and giving them care instructions could help them feel more comfortable about looking after their purchases.

I have created a free bundle with an downloadable care instruction guide that you could fill in and give to your recipients. This makes the projects individual and personalised. Grab it here.

Let’s sum up – eco friendly yarns and longevity

With proper care and attention, your eco friendly yarns can continue to bring joy and beauty to your no needles knitting projects for years to come.

As a result of following these sustainable tips for washing and caring for your knits, you can help minimise environmental impact while at the same time preserving the integrity of your handmade creations.

Embrace the art of eco-conscious no needles knitting and enjoy the satisfaction of creating beautiful, sustainable garments that stand the test of time.

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