Knitting Without Needles: Innovative DIY No-Needle Knitting Methods

I can’t knit! I said this so many times over the years. For lots of people, knitting has has long been a beloved craft, passed down through generations. However, for those who are new to the craft or have difficulty with traditional knitting techniques, the idea of using needles can be daunting. Luckily, there are alternative knitting without needles techniques to have a go at.

These DIY no needles knitting techniques offer a simplified and accessible approach to knitting. This makes it easier for beginners and those with hand mobility issues to create stunning and unique creations.

As a beginner once, I just couldn’t get my head around the tension of the knitting. Mine was either too tight or too loose. I kept losing stitches and making a big mess of my work. Needless to say, I didn’t continue with the craft.

It wasn’t until many years later that I was introduced to spool knitting, which was much more accessible for me.

This blog post will explore the different methods and materials used in no needles knitting techniques. It will also show case some of the creations that I have made some good, some not so good. But it is all a learning process!

If you have physical limitations, dexterity issues, or find traditional knitting difficult to master, you are in the right place.

Let’s make a start!

Spool knitting

Spool knitting is known by many names. Corking, French knitting and the knitting nancy are just a few of the more well known ones. In in simplest form, spool knitters are tubes with pegs at the top.

The yarn gets wrapped around the pegs in a figure of 8 and then looped over each other. As the knitting carries on, a cool i-cord appears out of the bottom of the tube.

Sounds difficult I know, but it is incredibly therapeutic.

knitting without needles using a spool knitter
A spool knitted decorative snake made with left over yarn

I learnt spool knitting at school. We literally made our own spool knitters with a toilet roll tube and stuck 4 lollipop sticks at equal distances around the top of the tube. That became our spool!

knitting without needles with a spool knitter
My home made spool knitter!

You can use these i-cords as necklaces, jewellery, and many other things.

knitting without needles with arm knitting

Arm Knitting – knitting without needles in big form!

Would you believe this is even a thing? When I was researching other ways of knitting without needles, I came across arm knitting. It looked really hard to do, and it does take a while to learn.

But when you have got the hang of it, you can make really stunning scarves, shawls and even blankets really really quickly.

Arm knitting is a fun and tactile experience that allows you to see your project come to life in no time. The projects are so quick to make as the stitches are so large. I can make a scarf in 20 minutes! They look so unusual as well.

Finger Knitting

Finger knitting was another early learning curve of mine. Anyone of any age can do this, and again you do not need any tools, except your fingers and some scissors.

Like spool knitting, finger knitting mainly creates stunning i-cords. They can be as thin or as chunky as you want them to be, depending on how many fingers you knit on.

handcrafted skinny scarf
purple tie dyed adjustable necklace 1
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Knitting without needles with a knitting loom

Loom knitting is another fantastic technique that allows you to create beautiful and intricate knitted pieces without the need for traditional needles. With a loom, you can easily master the art of knitting and create a wide variety of items, from hats and scarves to socks and even blankets.

The best part is, loom knitting is beginner-friendly and requires no prior knitting experience. The loom itself acts as your guide, allowing you to easily loop and weave your yarn to create stunning patterns and designs.

I use round looms to make hats, scarves and cowls. Knitting with a loom takes much longer than it does with your arms or fingers but there is something very therapeutic and relaxing about the repetitive action it uses.

In my opinion, mastering the art of loom knitting is a wonderful skill to have in your crafting repertoire.

I have created a loom knitting how to PDF here.

And there you have it!

A list of knitting techniques that can be done without needles. There are other knitting without needles techniques, such as using a lucet fork and circular knitting machines. More on those in another blog post.

So, with these DIY no-needle knitting techniques, you can create beautiful and unique pieces without the hassle of traditional knitting needles.

My You Tube channel has more videos on these techniques, and my Etsy shop will be updated as I create more PDF’s.

So grab your yarn, get creative, and have fun with these easy and convenient techniques.


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