Knit Happens: Embracing the Quirks in Your No Needles Knitting Creations

In a world that often celebrates perfection, there is a unique charm in embracing imperfections. This sentiment holds especially true in the realm of handcrafted arts and crafts. In handcrafts, the beauty lies in the uniqueness of each creation. No needles knitting projects are no exception. For many beginners, the pressure to achieve perfection can…

Knitting Without Needles: Innovative DIY No-Needle Knitting Methods

I can’t knit! I said this so many times over the years. For lots of people, knitting has has long been a beloved craft, passed down through generations. However, for those who are new to the craft or have difficulty with traditional knitting techniques, the idea of using needles can be daunting. Luckily, there are…

Unleash Your Creativity: Fun Family Crafts with T-Shirt Yarn

Hey there, crafty families! If you’ve got a pile of old t-shirts gathering dust in your closet, don’t toss them out just yet. Instead, let’s embark on a creative journey together and transform those shirts into something fabulous – T-Shirt yarn is our magical ingredient! I love T-shirt yarn. It is amazing to work with…


Cozy Creations: Discover the Magic of Arm Knitting

In the world of knitting, arm knitting is a popular technique that has gained immense popularity in recent years. Arm knitting is a term used to describe a method of knitting where you use your arms instead of needles to create a knitted product. This technique has become increasingly popular among knitting enthusiasts who are…


The Therapeutic Art of No Needles Knitting: Nurturing Well-Being Stitch by Stitch

We live in a world that often moves at an overwhelming pace. So finding solace in simple yet fulfilling activities has become essential for maintaining mental and emotional well-being. One such activity that has been gaining popularity as a means of promoting positive mental health is no needles knitting. This creative and soothing craft offers…

Why should you try knitting without needles?

Knitting is an age-old tradition that has been passed down for generations. However, there has recently been a resurgence in the popularity of this craft; the Covid 19 pandemic definitely helped this resurgence? Especially popular have been knitting without needles techniques such as arm knitting and finger knitting. So, before we get into the blog…

5 reasons why Merino roving wool is a poor choice for arm knitting

As an avid knitter, you know that choosing the right type of wool can make or break your knitting projects. Merino wool is one wool that we choose a lot as it is soft and luxurious. One type that has recently gained popularity is merino roving wool. However, contrary to popular belief, Merino roving wool…


Knitting Without Needles Techniques & Creations

Are you looking for unique and creative gift ideas, or accessories for you to wear as way to express your individuality? Then a creation made with knitting without needles may be the perfect solution for you. This innovative technique allows the creator to make beautiful and intricate designs using only their hands and a few…