The Circular Knitting Machine – Tool Or Cheat?

This is one discussion I have seen over and over again. Is a circular knitting machine a cheating way of knitting?

The world of knitting is an art form that has been passed down from generation to generation for centuries. Knitters of today have access to various machines that can help speed up the knitting process.

However, the use of these machines has sparked a debate among traditional knitters. One machine that has raised eyebrows is the circular knitting machine. Some crafters view it as a useful tool to cut down on labour-intensive work. Others argue that it is “cheating” and takes away from the authenticity and skill required in hand knitting.

In this blog post, we will dive deep into the discussion surrounding the use of circular knitting machines. We will explore the various perspectives and arguments surrounding this topic, and try to answer the question, “Is using a circular knitting machine cheating?”

So what is a circular knitting machine?

Before we dive into whether using a circular knitting machine is cheating or not, let’s first define what it is.

A circular knitting machine is a tool used to create knitted fabrics in a continuous loop. They are typically used to knit hats and scarves.

Unlike traditional knitting, which involves using needles to create each stitch individually, a circular knitting machine automates the process by quickly and accurately knitting rows of stitches. These machines come in different sizes and the ones that you can buy on Amazon are hand cranked.

Circular knitting machines typically have multiple needles that are arranged in a circular configuration. This is why they are so good for making garments and accessories that are circular in shape.

Let’s take a look at some of the advantages of using a circular knitting machine.

Speed of knitting

Traditional knitting is very slow. I really struggled with the knitting process and kept dropping stitches off the needles.

example of a Circular Knitting Machine

Using a circular knitting machine allows you to create just one type of stitch, the stockingette stitch, in a tube format, more quickly than traditional knitting.

Circular Knitting Machine - beanie hat

Consistency of stitches

Circular knitting machines ensure uniformity in stitches, resulting in a more polished and professional appearance.

With traditional knitting, it is harder to keep the same tension throughout all of your rows. But with a circular knitting machine, you do have the same problem but for me it is easier to control the tension with the tension gauge on the machine itself. It is a huge learning curve to be able to control the tension for 100 plus rows to make a beanie hat!

The circular knitting machine and accessibility

Circular knitting machines can be especially helpful for individuals with physical limitations or conditions that hinder traditional hand knitting.

Circular Knitting Machine in action

The ease of use can make the craft more accessible to a broader audience. Even younger kids can have a go at them once the first cast on row and knitted rows have been cranked out.

The circular knitting machine – the controversy

There are a number of arguments about whether the use of circular knitting machines are cheating or not.

One of the main arguments against the use of such machines is that they promote mass production and take away the artistry of crafting. Some people argue that the spirit of knitting lies in the patience, dedication, and hands-on approach of traditional hand knitting. They believe that using machines removes the personal touch and emotional connection to the craft, reducing it to a mere automated process.

What are my thoughts?

I disagree with this.

For me, a circular knitting machine is simply another tool in the knitter’s toolbox, expanding the range of possibilities and enabling creativity on different levels. I made a neck warmer using the basic Stockinette stitch with another pattern called Trailing Ivy. This took me absolutely ages as I had to knit two stitches, then wrap the yarn around two needles, then knit two more and so on.

The final creation looked amazing, but it took a long time to make, so it isn’t always true that it is quicker using one of these machines.

Trailing Ivy pattern on the left, plain Stockinette stitch on the right
And the finished piece!

The other thing I think is important to ask is this –

Is using a sewing machine to make clothes cheating? No it isn’t. It is another, quicker way to make clothes. You could make clothes by hand stitching, and that is what was done for many years, but sewing machines came to life to try to eliminate the manual labour in making clothes.

Now, if people claimed that their machine knit projects were completely hand knit, then that could be seen as cheating. But if you are totally honest about how you made them, like I am, then there is no problem.

Final thoughts

So, for me, using a circular knitting machine is not cheating; it is another tool I use in my toolbox of techniques to make unique creations for others to enjoy. There is a lot of effort, sweat and tears that goes into the making of just one hat or scarf on one of these circular knitting machines. Believe me, I have been there!

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